The Spring 2018 public safety facility planning seminar has been scheduled for April 25th and 27th in Kansas City, Missouri. The seminar is tailored for law enforcement executives and city leadership interested in beginning and directing a successful building project. Please consider taking advantage of this unique and affordable learning opportunity. Should your schedule not allow you to attend this session, the next session is anticipated in mid September 2018.
Police Facility Design Group founded the Police Facility Planning Institute to serve as a means to disseminate information on sound public safety facility planning practices to communities across the country. The Principals and senior staff of PFDG utilize their experience and knowledge in sponsoring this seminar. During the seminar the participants will engage in topics that will help them understand the complexities of a project’s development and implementation.
Key Planning Issues
The Building as a Policing Tool
Get Support For A Needs Assessment Study: Defining Adequacy
Build-In Growth Space / Planning For Long-Term Usefulness
Achieving Funding Support / Avoid An Under-Funded Project
Writing Goal-Oriented RFPs & Selecting an Architect
Achieve Facility Security While Welcoming The Public
Example Projects – What Others are Building
Developing A Floor Plan That Makes Police Work Easier
Architectural & Engineering Services – What To Expect
Renovation vs. New Construction
Controlling Your Costs
Evaluate Construction Management & Design-Build
Early Construction Cost Estimating and Budget Evaluation
Please visit our seminar page to learn more about the seminar and to download the seminar brochure and registration form. Space is limited.